Garlic Everyday to Help Keep Yeast Infections Away


Have you ever heard the saying, an apple a day to help keep the Dentist away. The same can go for Garlic and Yeast infections or Candida. Garlic like we all know has some amazing properties and one them is its ability to kill mold, heal infections and lastly help kill Candida bacteria. Because it … Read more

The Three Step Candida Cleanse


Okay in this post i will go over a basic three step plan to help cleanse you of candida fast. This plan is not easy for those of you that love to indulge in nasty food groups or drinks. This post is for those of you that are serious about cleansing themselves of candida for … Read more

Candida Yeast Connection

yeast in bread

What is it about yeast..? Why do we as humans use it so much in many forms of food, is it needed really? The truth is excessive consumption of yeast has side effects. Effects that can harm us? It’s like an experiment really.

.. One of those nasty effects is the result of Candida overgrowth.

Another question to ask is why consume so much yeast to the point that we start our own brewing factory inside of yeast that causes a multitude of yeast infections.? Does that sound like fun..? Not really but, it is easy to say, but horrible to experience..

The truth is let’s face it, yeast causes problems. We all need to understand this. So what is the solution then, do we ignore it or abide by it or do we make choices.. Yes that is right, i know its hard to eliminate those nasty addictive yeasty foods, but i believe you will agree the positives far out weigh the negatives.. Start to reduce the intake.. Have some low sugar fruits instead for breakfast..

I know it is a hard one, society almost places it in front of us all the time, even in many biscuits or crackers, drinks, just for flavor.. Dang, sometimes yeast and sugar ( beer ).. Candida heaven.. Healthy choice or a health risk, you tell me..?

The yeast connectionn is right in front of us.

Can a Broken Heart Cause Candida?


The question Can a Broken Heart Cause Candida was asked of me recently. While the two are not officially linked scientifically, it is easy to see how emotional pain such as a break up can cause all sorts of problems, one being the susceptibility to Candida Albicans. Emotions are a big part in a lot … Read more

Understanding Candida Mentally

mountain thinking

Like all forms of sickness there is a mental aspect to take into account.. Candida is no different. As it effects the immune system and burrows deep into our body, our mental state can often at times play tricks.. This is an important aspect not to ignore. If you were a negative person before you … Read more