Below is a list of my most highest recommended products to treat and conquer (beat) Candida Infections and Yeast Infections. Each of which has been tried and tested and reviewed by many online as successful products, however it is always good to keep on the strict Candida Diet as well while using any of the products below.
Candida Products Ordered By My Highest Recommendations
Threelac – Threelac is a powerful probiotic that is designed to get passed the stomach into the bowels and guts making it an excellent fighter against Candida. Because it gets further than most probiotics it makes it a great choice.
Pure Essence Candex – Candex is a powerful and unique enzyme based health product that targets yeast fibers in the bowels helping them breakdown better, thus reducing Candida or stopping it all together. Good for leaky gut syndrome as well.
Yeastrol – Herbal based homeopathic formula based on herbs that help boost the immune system and fight Candida.
Candigone – Two part formula with great reviews that reduces Candida by cleansing the body efficiently. It helps balance the intestinal flora giving Candida relief while also using targeted herbs to create better results.
Coconut Oil – This is a recommended diet adder, it should be used along side other products to reduce symptoms and help get you on top more quickly. Tastes great and its anti fungal properties will boost any diet regime.
Horopito Extract by Kolorex – Powerful natural herb from New Zealand with a powerful effect on controlling natural candida levels in the body. If used in conjunction with good diet and other anti inflammatory products it makes a a very powerful product.