Welcome to My Candida Cleanse, if it is your first time here you are probably thinking, how you or a friend of yours can get rid of Candida. If so, you have come to the right place. Candida can be tough, but because I have been there and conquered it before I know this website can help you or anyone you know conquer it as well.
First of all, let me first make it clear, Candida is not a mystery, no matter how many doctors say it is or hide the truth. The truth is most doctors just are not trained in this area and because Candida already exists in the body already, it is easy for them to overlook and then for you to continue to feel sick and tired.
Time to Conquer Candida..
This website therefore is about saying enough is enough with it, time to conquer it, we know candida is tough and so let’s address it now before it becomes worse.
So, what should you do first, well first you should start looking at the most common causes and symptoms of candida, if you still are unsure whether you even have Candida, well then take our quick test and you will see within minutes or hours..
After that, then it is about addressing you and your diet, you have to start focusing on making healthier changes.
The Three Day Candida Diet Plan is a great option for getting in control of candida fast. To find out more.
Helpful food additions to diet include Garlic , Ginger, coconut and many more. Not too mention the secret additions such as probiotics like Threelac and Enzymes like Candex.
I know it takes time and effort, however with patience you can be on the road to recovery and a healthier you within a few months or maybe even less.
My Story – Can you Relate..?
Let me also share with you that I have been there as well myself, It is really hard, I had Candida for many years and did not even know, at some points I even thought I would die. It really is amazing how sick a yeast infection can make you. It happened to me when I was around 19 years old, it actually took over my life, lost contact with friends as I basically went from doctor to doctor, the diagnoses ranged from nothing, to hypochondria to panic attacks, to you name it. They really overall had no clue what was wrong and what was making me feel continually ill. Finally and luckily for me I stumbled upon a amazing allergy specialist that found my problem once and for all.. Interestingly, times are a changing and some doctors today actually do know what this infection can do, it just depends on the doctor.
I was diagnosed finally with chronic Candida, however things did look up, within weeks I was hanging out with friends again, eating more normally and socialising again.Things were basically back to normal, except all I had to do was be aware of what was the cause and change my lifestyle.
Okay, so that was my story in a nutshell and that is why this website exists, a site dedicated to helping you or another person you know with Candida make changes in there life in order to live a healthy life once again.